Friday, September 18, 2009

september 11th

I spent this past week getting back into the swing of things. After two weeks of struggling with Oasis, loads of emails back and forth between teachers and advisors and deans and endless hours deciding which classes to take, I’ve finally figured out my schedule and am ready to dive into my second-to-last fall semester here at Vandy. Who knew that coming back to school would be so stressful? Luckily, I live with five lovely souls who comfort me at all times of the day. Morning or night, they’re always here for me. And I cannot thank them enough for their love and support.

Last Thursday, Elizabeth cooked us all a scrumptious Mexican meal. On the menu? Delicious chicken tacos that eerily tasted like home, along with queso and guacamole to top off her yummy dish. We’re hoping to start a trend: suite dinner/bonding time once a month (or sooner perhaps? :) Chefs and meals to alternate. Brilliant idea, right? Thank you, Lizzie, for the best meal I’ve eaten since I left home a month ago.

After dinner, all six of us watched Father of the Bride and literally quoted throughout the entire movie. Among our favorites were, “Forty-eight hours later, the wedding was still on,” and “Oh-oh, hahllo! Five months naht mah-ch.” I’m actually laughing out loud as I revisit the script. Oh man. We snuggled, we laughed -- we even trekked 100 steps down to the Munchie to purchase Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream because we can and that’s what you do when you practice the girls’ equivalent of “bro-ing out.” We’re still trying to come up with a better term for that, by the way. Thank you, girls, for a fantastic night of friends and fun.

Last semester was a hard season for me for many reasons that I probably shouldn’t talk about via blog. However, to refer to Shauna Niequist’s chapter in Cold Tangerines, I placed far too many eggs in my relationship basket and fell apart once it was over. Broken and undone, I spent the first few weeks of my summer grunting around the house, reading, regretting, wishing, hoping, pleading with God for a new start. I clung to His promise that my life would eventually find normalcy even though it seemed absolutely uncertain at the time. Little did I know, there was so much more out there waiting for me, inviting me to live and love and be loved in return. So, one steamy June morning, I got out of bed, gratefully accepted lunch and dinner invitations from kind friends, old and new, and finally began to live out the fleeting moments of my time at home. I know it sounds a little cliché, but this past summer taught me so much about myself. About life, God, love and the necessity to rejoice every single day. No matter what.

One of the things I learned at Ecclesia this summer was the term “Eucharistia,” or simply, thankfulness. As today is obviously September 11th, I am thankful for the brave men and women who lost their lives exactly eight years ago. I’m thankful for my family, my friends and my faith in God that somehow manages to keep me alive each day, even during the most unforeseeable and heart-wrenching events of my life.

Next up on my list? T-Swift in concert. Tomorrow night. I’ll be there. Ya, you know you’re jealous.

God bless you all.


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I love Sundays. And laughing.