Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30, 2010

I know it sounds cliché, but sometimes I believe that I’m living in my own fairy tale. Okay, okay - no queens and kings, my dears. Something way better, of course!  A weekend full of late-afternoon snuggling, buried deep under my bed’s tousled sheets, blankets and worn down comforter; the smell of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies sweetly emanating from our kitchen; a day spent romping through snow-blanketed fields after a delightfully yummy brunch at Fido’s; the comfort I feel wrapped in the arms of the one I love, and the slight pain I felt today in my abs after he and my friends tickled me to death. It’s just too easy, isn’t it, guys? :)

But, really. All I want to do is stay in bed all day, finish reading The History of Love and pretend I don’t have schoolwork…and that “microbiology” is just a science and not an actual class in which I have a huge test this coming Wednesday. A girl can only dream.

Don’t worry, mom and dad - the work eventually gets done. Of course, only after I search for hours online all things “wedding,” which I’ve decided is my new task now that my precious sister and the love of her life have decided to wed! Eeee. Happiness, pure happiness, beams from the depths of my hopeful soul every time I think of how incredibly joyful you are and will be until the very day you leave this earth – both better off, of course, because you spent your entire life with the one person in the entire world who softens your heart and solves that missing link you youthfully believed was eternally lost. I love you, dear sister, and can’t wait to celebrate your happy news next summer!

For now, if anyone is interested, visit Anna Bond is an incredibly talented artist with a knack for wedding invites.

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I love Sundays. And laughing.